Our code of conduct is part of the camp registration forms and must be signed by both the camper/teen leader and parent. Please review our policy below and be sure to sign and date this page when filling out your camp registration forms.
I, the undersigned camper/teen leader and parent/legal guardian have read the basic rules for participation at the Windham-Tolland 4-H Camp program outlined below and agree to abide by the rules.
Campers will:
- Participate fully in the program.
- Be responsible for his/her own behavior and uphold standards for their peers.
- Follow all scheduled times, including curfew and wake-up.
- Will dress appropriately for a co-ed outdoor recreation experience.
Campers will not:
- Leave the camp premises without staff supervision and director permission.
- Disobey directives from camp staff or camp policies, rules and regulations.
- Be disrespectful or direct profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures towards other campers or camp staff or wear offensively worded or graphic clothing.
- Play with matches, fire, or commit arson.
- Partake in the theft or the unauthorized removal of camp property, staff property or camper property.
- Fight, provoke fighting or commit physical abuse to others or themselves.
- Commit extortion, coercion or blackmail that force an individual to act through the use of force or threat of force.
- Make derogatory statements that may substantially disrupt the camp program or insight violence.
- Engage in sexual harassment: any unwelcome sexual advance or conduct including lewd remarks, touches, or request for sexual favors that have the effect of intimidating individuals or disrupting the camp environment will not be tolerated.
- Sell, give, deliver, possess, use or be under the influence of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products. This includes the misuse of prescription and over the counter medications.
- Haze other campers.
- Possess a weapon or dangerous instrument to be used as a weapon.
- Violate local, state or federal laws.
- Intentionally damage camp facilities including graffiti; you will be billed for damages.
- Bring electronic equipment including but not limited to: cell phones, CD players, MP3 players, iPods, video games, radios, or Kindles and Nooks.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in but not be limited to a “time-out” from an activity, removal from a program area or expulsion from the camping program. Corporal Punishment is not permitted at the Windham-Tolland 4-H Camp. Violations in local, state or federal laws will be reported to the authorities.
A CONFIRMATION LETTER TO EACH CAMPER WILL BE MAILED AFTER YOUR REGISTRATION IS PROCESSED. I understand that there is a non-refundable $200.00 deposit for Resident Camp and Experience Clovers, a $100.00 non-refundable deposit for Day Camp and Teen Leaders and a $50.00 non-refundable deposit for Clover Camp and Horseback Riding. I also understand there are NO REFUNDS FOR EARLY DISMISSAL DUE TO HOMESICKNESS, MISCONDUCT OR MEDICAL REASONS